Vision for One
Through a book that I am working on called Miracle Forgiveness, I would like to be connected with others to envision One together. It will be an organization to connect people who choose forgiveness. In Japan, it is estimated 500,000 people per year have tried to commit suicide and failed. Some experts believe it is just the tip of the iceberg, and the actual number must be higher. Globally, 800,000 people commit suicide, which means one person every 40 seconds. Without leaving anyone behind, I would like to create a place to gather and heal each other.
We can build together through fundraising several facilities: a futuristic facility for elders using high-tech equipment to care for low-income and no-income older people as a resident-friendly and worker-friendly facility, a whole new education system that takes all the burden and pressures off from students but emphasis what they would like to learn as a priority, a healing facility where focus on forgiveness to provide programs for suicide prevention and healing for all the lost souls, a retirement home/place to provide relief and aid for abused animals, a facility for learning techniques to make a living, along with a “Mind Free Area in the Nature.” Everyone can come together, regardless of nationality, academic background, age, gender, and religion. I hope that others will join me who are envisioning the same and willing to contribute their time and energy to our organization, One.
We will share updates here in the homepage.