Lakshmi is now in Tokyo, Japan. In 2012, I did something I had never done before: I started writing a book called Miracle Forgiveness by Lakshmi. I am just about to complete the book in both English and Japanese in November or December 2021. It is about my experience of forgiveness.
To explain the power of forgiveness, I wrote it down based on A Course in Miracles. This book is for everyone, especially those who need to repair themselves mentally or emotionally. I am looking for a publisher who is willing to publish my book globally.
Whenever I am not forgiving someone, I am in the moment.
現在、東京在住。2012年から書きはじめて間もなく仕上るのが「奇跡的な許し方 by ラクシュミ」です。(現在2021年11月)この本の中には私が個人的に体験した許すパワーというものについての体験談を「奇跡講座」を交えながら、わかりやすく噛み砕いて書きまとめました。